Lomi Lomi Massage
Lomi Lomi massage, also known as “loving hands” massage is a traditional healing technique that is deeply rooted in the Hawaiian culture.
Lomi Lomi awakens a deep level of spirit, which taps into an ancient realm of wisdom and inspires healing at a core level. It involves the use of rhythmic and flowing movements which help create the ultimate space for clients to experience healing.
This ancient therapy not only addresses physical discomfort but facilitates the release of emotional blockages and promote healing. Deeply rooted in Lomi Lomi principles; practitioners believe that the state of our emotional, mental and spiritual well-being is interconnected with our physical well-being. Lomi Lomi massages addresses this beautifully.
This style of massage is an experience like no other. The dance-like movements are reminiscent of the flow of the ocean and sets the perfect space for clients to go on a healing journey.
Lomi Lomi may include the use of forearms, palms and fingers to perform long, continuous strokes that cover a large area of the body at once. Movements are fluid and can be as gentle or vigorous, depending on the specific intension and your needs.